
Clearly what was written is an oral translation.
By the time anyone deciphers this, the shop will already be closed.
My people, it's all gonna blow and soon! Take sides now. Get down on your knees and pray.
Right versus Privilege
Being a father is a privilege and with privilege comes great responsibility. Our Heavenly Father knows all about this and He has instituted this sacred responsibility to men. If ever a father needed a role-model, he just needs to flip through the pages of the Bible to discover the immense love, patience and the very heart of God; the Father of all. Having made men fathers, God has never abandoned them; He continually seeks to nurture all men who are fathers, to provide for their family in their own special way. He seeks because He grants us the right to choose, never forcing anything down the throats of His people. This very evident throughout the ages where His emissaries speak His will, warnings, covenants, law and blessings. God can never have His people programmed like mindless androids and run algorithms and programming scripts to fulfill what God had intended from the very birth of everything. All He asks is for us to wholeheartedly obey His instructions for the betterment of our lives, no matter how obscure it may seem that we prosper and in turn prosper those around us. Every individual's progress in accordance to God's blueprint is measured by the achievements and blessings manifested in their lives. Man must never entrap themselves by equating these with fiscal success and subsequently compare. Health, peace and joy are some of the intangibles that cannot be procured.
Position of Sanctity
Fathers hold a sacred and special position in a family in the eyes of God. Genesis 3:6-7 says, "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings".
When Eve ate the fruit, nothing happened until Adam did. They became aware and as the bible states, their eyes were opened! Not that they were groping about Eden in hopeless blindness but Adam's violation of the only law given to him caused the decline of mankind's special position with God. This serves as the first indication of the Spiritual authority God has ordained in men. God never tempted, mislead nor tricked them. Follow one law, the only law, and be masters of the Earth. Do fathers seek God's will in their dealings on a daily basis? Or do we scan our memories for that special childhood prayer we once said to conjure the speedy response from God in those desperate and hopeless times? Our Heavenly Father has equipped us with the highest possible wisdom as illustrated in Genesis 1: 26-27 but He can only let us decide for ourselves based on that wisdom. Similarly God has put fathers in an esteemed position of holiness to decide for those in his charge what's best. A spiritual position in a family ordained by God is not to be taken lightly! A father is considered a priest of his household to God and a leader who takes up the responsibility over the daily operations of a family. Priestly according to the Levitical order – those select few who sanctified themselves for worship to God. A role not to be outsourced, delegated or relinquished.
Through Father to God
God is concerned how the father operates in a household because when you learn to obey your earthly father, you learn to obey your heavenly Father. If you do not recognize your father's authority, how can you recognize God's? Wives and children are to recognize the authority of a husband and father if they are to recognize God. Our Heavenly Father has, over the course of history, ensured widows and the fatherless were protected and cared for. Relatives and other social figures that are able, must provide and shelter the unfortunate ones without a father or husband.
Fathers' Mould
What a father does, the child will follow to a very large extent. Coming to the end of the first day of school, my son was bored and to amuse himself, he took out his pencil and started playing with it. I was watching him very curiously. Then my heart started pounding when I saw the way he played with his pencil. It was exactly how I played with my pencil at precisely the same time of the school period and that was just before the final bell rang. I could not imagine how this could reoccur 33 year later! In biblical terms, Isaac told King Abimelech that Rebecca was his sister. Abraham did the same. David had more than one wife, Solomon broke the record. This generational discrepancy is what God wants to put right through fathers so that he may impart Godly qualities to his children through his conduct. We had a new regional boss recently who had previously worked in the U.S. During one of the small talk sessions, he said that in some parts of the U.S., children grew up without knowing their fathers or any other male figure because a large number of the fathers were imprisoned. People had or knew someone who were either in prison or were once locked away. Consequently the children resort to a life of crime and they end up incarcerated like their fathers. A horrible testament and a vicious cycle!
God's Instruction
The first 4 of the 10 commandments, God establishes Himself, His sovereign authority, His Holiness and rules of worship. Next comes our duty as children in the 5th commandment, "Honour your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you". This is the only commandment that comes with a promise. When one of His disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus began with: "Our Father in heaven…". Clearly even Jesus understood the authority and the absolute need for obedience to our Heavenly Father. Jesus lived His life as an example and honouring God was second nature to Him, a definitive proof of the importance of fathers.
Fathers to Children
From a father come children as God said in Proverbs 23:22, "Listen to your father who begot you (gave you life), And do not despise your mother when she is old". If fathers are sacred and special to God then children are extremely precious. So precious were children to God that He sent Elijah to stay with a widow and her son because they were planning to die after having their last meal. The lack of an able husband and father would have prevented this so God intervened to preserve two lives. God spared Nineveh because the king and his people repented. Even the animals were clothed with sack cloth as a sign of mourning. Seeing this God was moved to mercy but Jonah was angry. But God used the example in Jonah 4:11 to move this prophet with compassion. "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?" In some bible versions, it states children. Because of the Ninevites' repentance, God aborted destruction but Jonah was not amused because of the hard journey he took to preach the word of God. In justifying His love for innocent young lives, God spoke to His prophet to induce pity upon them. Apparently that stoked the flames of compassion in Jonah.
What's Different Today?
Practically nothing. Blood is still red, the sun is still hot, water quenches thirst and God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The father's role has never diminished though it has gotten slightly complex but in an ever changing world, always refer to the infinite wisdom God has imparted from the dawn of the world. Men and fathers are so bogged down with the trappings of the secular world that they have become slothful in their duties at home. No one can replace the presence and role of a father in the family and if you examine a little longer, you will discover the distractions, unnecessary activities and pursuits that are robbing, yes literally robbing, their time with their family. Wives and mothers are now taking up the mantle thrown by the wayside by men but as much as the maternal instincts comes to the fore, God's rule are not to be bent. Balance between work and family is no longer in harmony and family decisions are done without consulting fathers. Either they are too tired, occupied, detached or just lazy of another responsibility. All the essential ingredients for a destructive life of children and families. These are spoken out of personal experiences.
My Testimony
My son and I were parted when my ex-wife and I separated that resulted in a divorce. It was not an easy decision and a lot of prayer and seeking God's will was constant. However, God assured me to grant her wishes for the sake of my son and at that time, I could not understand it. Ben was barely four. In that space of a few years, she kept moving from one location to another and it was hard to keep up and it is said that my son celebrated his birthday each year in a new house. Finally she packed his bags and sent him about 300 kilometers away north to her parents' house. Now I had to apply vacation leave to visit my son. All the while I remembered God's promise.
There were many advice and suggestions from many quarters to get closer to my son including finding work in that location where my son was. Some even suggested I bring him back and let God show the way. Not one of these gave me peace and so I just let God do His thing while I waited.
When Ben was eight and the health of her parents failed, she decided to bring him back. Not only that, the house they lived was a mere six minutes away! Ever since then, I volunteered to send my son to school even if it meant I had to sacrifice my rest and sleep. Today, I get up before six in the morning to make sure I am on time to pick my son up from his home to school. I get to pray with him every day in the car and I spend quality spiritual time with him. We have conversations and I try to answer his questions and I can only thank God for what He has done. We get to spend alternate weekends together and that's an added bonus from the legality of the divorce. Recently, I have been asked to take Ben with me to church every Sunday to "put him in a routine". But we all know who's in charge of this arrangement. This is a personal testimony on the importance of fathers in the lives of children and how God ensure I had access to my son despite the circumstances.
God is our Heavenly Father who is a living example of what a father should be and He will ensure His people live in a life according to His will. This will also mean moving things about or causing changes in environments to achieve His goal. God is good and though we cannot fully understand Him, He understands us to the core. His concern over the family unit and the governing roles of a father is very evidently demonstrated in my life. Never underestimate what God can do nor the capacity He has put in everyone of us to succeed. Praise God for His faithfulness and for being a promise-keeper!
Some years back, a friend coerced me to attend a "meeting" at a shopping mall to hear about the virtues of a product. I cringed at the prospect of meeting people at an unfamiliar place, more so when it was under duress. It was a typical setting I would assume at any multi level marketing meet where members brought friends to venue with the hope some will become members and in turn be the recruiter's recruiter. Seats were arranged neatly before a stage and at the appointed time, the speaker did what he did. Reinforcing the wonderful properties of the wares were the users and they went at great lengths to testify the healing powers or the ailments that were cured when using the product. This is obviously a deliberate attempt to bring credibility and heighten the audience's trust. I was not convinced but picked up some pointers for my marketing pitch.
A testimony always brings credibility. The marketers have exploited this very human emotion and have been successful for some time now. In days long ago, men brought nations and communities closer to God through testimonies. God always reminded His people of His track record of His work and it serves as a testimony to those who are under threat, doubt, fear and ungodly subjugation. An inward activation of faith is prerequisite. In one duel at Mount Carmel between Elijah and the false prophets, when faith was lukewarm, God acted to fortify His supremacy. Faith was awakened within the people and subsequently, acted righteously in disposing of the imposters who peddled other gods. Our Lord never ceases to defend and fight the battles of His people, no matter what race or creed. The very least we as the benefactors can do is to proclaim His work and share with other what He has done. This was common practise after Jesus' ascension to Heaven, in the days of the apostles, as recorded in the book of Acts of the Apostles. Mere men stirred up by the Spirit of God, brought the word of God to the masses.
In the reign of King Hezekiah, Isaiah was the resident prophet in the kingdom of Judah as documented in 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles and in Isaiah. The king was steadfast in his spiritual connection with God and implemented reforms and returned to the worship of the one true God. He led his people to observe sacred feasts to honour God, a form of testimony to what his Maker has done for his ancestors. Judah was constantly harassed by heathen nations but God had delivered them through the instructions and exhortations of His servant Isaiah.
Not long after, Hezekiah was on his death bed overcome by an ailment. Isaiah visited the king and delivered the grim news to him: He is about to breathe his last (Isaiah 38). The ruler faced the wall and pleaded for his life and God instructed Isaiah to comfort the king as He has heard his pleas and will allow him to live for a further 15 years. The prophet announced the good news to Hezekiah but he asked for a sign. The king could understand that death was imminent by looking at the state of his body and acknowledged Isaiah's words as a confirmation from God. As god had delayed his demise, what would the sure sign be, the king enquired. This was not a test of God's ability but a man who just received literally grave news needed comfort at that hour. Isaiah who was God's spokesperson at that time gives Hezekiah a choice: To move the sun 10 degrees forward or backward. He chose the latter and marking the movement of the shadow cast by the sun, all could see God's work and confirm the longevity of his servant's life. A life spared and a celestial body's movement altered to the pleasure of its Maker.
In the east, Merodachbaladan a Babylonian prince noted the 10 degree aft movement of the sun. He learnt of Hezekiah's healing and the awesome confirmation from God. He sent congratulatory letters and a get-well gift for this servant of God. Upon Merodachbaladan's visit to Judah's king, Hezekiah was flattered and wasted no time in reciprocating this seemingly goodwill gesture. Every single riches, treasures, weaponry and stores were shown to the visitor's entourage, not sparing any details. Hezekiah was overjoyed and wanted to share this sense of euphoria.
Isaiah, alerted by God, confronted Hezekiah and questioned his overwhelming courtesy. Yoking with an ungodly and hostile nation is not in Judah's best interest, not even for the sake of good neighbourly and diplomatic relations. Hezekiah had let the enemy seen the prosperity and possibly its weakness in that act of friendship. Most importantly, he had missed out on the opportunity to testify the good God has done for him. He did not give glory to One who healed him and extended his life and to afford an opportunity to share this miraculous account with an unbeliever. This was betrayal and God who made us in His image, was hurt. Yes, He rejoices and can certainly be saddened.
Again Isaiah had to share unpleasant news to Hezekiah and this time, it was absolute and irrevocable. Everything that was showcased to the prince will be carted away to the eastern kingdom and his offspring will be reduced to eunuch in those foreign palaces.
Being a noble, the king accepted the judgement and acknowledged it was meted out fairly according to his brash conduct. The harsh lesson Hezekiah learn was to recognize a good deed and to speak of it unashamedly with the humble hope more of such supernatural intervention will prevail throughout his reign.
Today, we as subject to our King must be exemplary in our ways and give glory where it is due. If we can compliment our spouses, subordinates, pupils, children and those around us, what is stopping us from being a good testimony to the One who is the source of grace and blessings? What does it take for us to encourage other through our sharing?
Never miss an opportunity to be the one that extols the goodness of our God for He longs to shower His love and the more we have the attitude of gratitude, the more He blesses. You will never know when your ingratitude may be your very last!
Testify today, He will act.
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Have fun impressing the easily impressed.